Fiber-Coat Deck Co
1635 W Lambert Rd Unit B
La Habra, CA 90631

(657) 706-2299

Serving Huntington Beach Area

  1. What Kind of Businesses Can Benefit from a Deck Waterproofing System?

    If you own a commercial property, you want to make sure it’s in the best possible condition for your clients, customers, or tenants. Deck waterproofing is one of the best ways to do that. A lot of commercial properties have decks, and all of them want to make sure it’s as safe and attractive as possible. Whether you have a roof deck, plaza deck, balcony, or any similar surface, you need to make sure it’s properly sealed because it will preserve your building’s structural integrity.

    Unlike residential decks and floors, commercial surfaces experience a lot more foot traffic and wear from heavy equipment (in addition to regular exposure to rain and water). Because there’s so much surface that can get damaged, not taking steps to protect it can be detrimental to your business.

    industrial warehouse

    Types of Deck Waterproofing

    If you’re wondering if you can waterproof your deck, you may also be wondering if it really matters for your specific surface. Deck waterproofing can be done on several different surfaces. Some of them include the following:

    • Wood — If your commercial space has wood surfaces, you can find a waterproofing system that will work. Deck waterproofing is usually done on plywood surfaces, but it can be done on other types of wood surfaces as well.
    • Concrete — Depending on your deck’s specific needs, there’s also a waterproofing system for concrete. Be sure to speak to a professional to find the right solution for your business.

    Both of these decks can stand up to foot traffic, wear and tear from furniture, and a number of other things that commercial decks must endure.

    Benefits of Deck Waterproofing

    Waterproofing your commercial deck can benefit your business in a variety of ways. Some of them can include:

    • Durability — Deck waterproofing can protect the surface from spills that can stain or damage it. It also acts as a barrier from the elements, which can reduce weather damage.
    • Safety — Because it reduces the risk for damage, waterproofing your deck will make it safer to walk on. If you take this extra step, you’ll be keeping people safe by eliminating the possibility of slips and falls.
    • Longevity — Because it makes your deck more durable, waterproofing the surface will increase its lifespan.
    • Reduced Maintenance — Another result of improved durability is a reduction in maintenance costs. A deck that can hold up against the weather and is less likely to get damaged won’t need as much maintenance as one that hasn’t been waterproofed. So if you don’t take this extra measure, you may end up spending considerably more on repairs (especially if it hasn’t been properly maintained).
    • Aesthetic Appeal — Aside from all the practical benefits, deck waterproofing can also make it more pleasing to the eye. A deck that looks rough and worn out won’t look as good.

    These are some of the benefits of waterproofing your commercial deck. But whether they’re practical or aesthetic, there are many ways that deck waterproofing can benefit a commercial property.

    Businesses Where Deck Waterproofing Can be Beneficial

    Deck waterproofing can benefit a number of businesses. Some of them can include the following:

    • Restaurants.
    • Retail stores.
    • Hospitals and medical facilities.
    • Schools and universities.
    • Entertainment facilities.
    • Warehouses.
    • Food processors.
    • Industrial facilities.
    • High-rise buildings.
    • Office buildings
    • Apartment complexes.
    • Government buildings.
    • Non-profit facilities.
    • Airport, bus, and train terminals.

    Be sure to speak to a professional for more information.

    Determining if Your Deck Needs Waterproofing

    Now that you know about the benefits of deck waterproofing, you may still be wondering if it makes sense for your commercial property. Like any other job you need done, the first thing you want to see is a rough estimate of how much it’s going to cost and how long it’s going to take. The answer to this question will depend on the specific project.

    It can take anywhere from 13 to 45 minutes per coat to waterproof wood and concrete surfaces. But on average, you can expect to wait 1-2 hours for each coat to become dry to the touch. You can apply another coat after you have waited at least 12 hours after the previous coat has been applied, but it can take up to 72 hours for it to cure completely. Deck waterproofing systems can take about 5-7 days to install completely.

    If you’re looking for one of the best places for commercial deck waterproofing in Los Angeles, be sure to get in touch with the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

  2. The Versatility of Epoxy Resin in Commercial Applications

    Durability, aesthetics, and ease of maintenance are all important considerations when it comes to choosing the right flooring for a commercial space. Compared to other options, epoxy resin is a popular and practical choice that can be used in a variety of applications. Because of its numerous benefits and versatile nature, epoxy can be a reliable flooring solution that caters to the unique needs of different commercial environments.

    commercial epoxy floor coating

    What is Epoxy Resin?

    Epoxy resin is a type of adhesive that can be used in a number of industries and applications (both domestically and commercially). It’s also available in different grades and levels of brittleness. Epoxy resin is made of two different parts and is usually mixed in either a 2:1 or 4:1 resin-to-hardener ratio. The beneficial qualities of an epoxy resin floor include the following:

    • Toughness
    • Chemical resistance
    • Strong adhesion

    A lot of industries (including manufacturing and construction) use epoxy resin, but it can also be used in electronic applications (such as fiber optics and electrical circuit boards). It’s a two-part synthetic polymer that goes through a chemical reaction when they’re mixed together, which results in a strong and durable adhesive material.

    Using Epoxy Resin Safely

    There are some safety precautions you should think about when using epoxy resin. The first and most obvious one is hand protection, which is why you should always wear gloves to keep them from getting exposed to the resin and other hardening liquids. Nitrile gloves are less likely to cause a reaction when they come in contact with your skin or the resin, so they would be your best choice.

    You should also wear a plastic apron because it will allow resin spills to be easily removed, and you should wear safety goggles to protect your eyes. If the resin makes contact with your eyes, you should repeatedly flush them with water for 15 minutes. You should avoid rubbing them. You also want to seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity.

    Where Epoxy Resin Can Be Used

    Epoxy resin can be used in a variety of industries and applications. Some of them include the following:

    • Warehouses and Industrial Facilities — These types of businesses often experience heavy traffic, frequent use of heavy equipment, and exposure to chemicals. An epoxy resin floor can provide a durable and resilient surface that can stand up to the demands of these environments. Its seamless and non-porous nature makes it resistant to stains, spills, and chemical damage. Because of its anti-slip properties, epoxy floors can also improve safety by reducing the risk of slips and falls.
    • Retail and Commercial Spaces — Epoxy floors have become more popular in these types of spaces because of their ability to create a visual appeal while also maintaining a professional ambiance. Epoxy resin can be used to create a variety of designs and patterns. It can also come in a variety of colors. This will allow these types of businesses to customize their floors according to their brand identity or desired aesthetic. It can be made to look like polished concrete and can even incorporate different decorative elements (such as logos, graphics, and other unique patterns).
    • Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Facilities — These types of environments require a flooring solution that places a high priority on hygiene, cleanliness, and ease of maintenance. An epoxy resin floor is a practical choice for these types of settings because it can provide a smooth, non-porous surface that’s resistant to bacteria, mold, and moisture. Its seamless installation can also prevent the accumulation of dirt, dust, and allergens (which adds an extra layer of protection from harmful pathogens).
    • Educational Institutions — Epoxy floors are perfect for schools, colleges, and universities because of their ability to withstand heavy foot traffic and daily wear and tear. Their durability makes it a great choice for hallways, classrooms, cafeterias, and gymnasiums (where durability and impact resistance are essential). They can also be customized with a number of colors and patterns, so they can be used to create amazing spaces for both students and staff.
    • Automotive Facilities and Showrooms — Car dealerships, showrooms, and auto service centers need a flooring solution that can handle the weight and movement of vehicles. But, it also needs to maintain a sleek and professional appearance. An epoxy resin floor can give these spaces a seamless, high-gloss finish that can enhance their aesthetic appeal. It’s resistant to automotive fluids (including oils, gasoline, and brake fluids), which makes it easier to clean and maintain. Its reflective surface can also enhance the lighting of a showroom, which can create a more attractive display for vehicles.

    If you’re looking for one of the best places to install an epoxy floor in Los Angeles, be sure to reach out to the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

  3. Signs That Your Pool Deck Needs to be Repaired or Replaced

    Pools can come in many different shapes and sizes, but the one thing they all have in common is a pool deck (which has a dual purpose). Not only does it give swimmers a way to access the pool, but it’s also there to keep dirt from making its way inside the pool. Whether it’s made out of wood, concrete, or tile, the time may come when it needs to be repaired or replaced. It’s not always easy to spot the warning signs of a bad pool deck.

    When Your Pool Deck Needs Minor Repairs

    A concrete pool deck may experience a series of issues that can be fixed with some minor repairs. Recoloring, re-polishing, or resealing concrete surfaces are common fixes that can be applied. Here are some of the signs that your pool deck is in need of minor repair:

    • Stubborn stains on the surface — Pool decks usually have sealers, which are there for both protective and aesthetic purposes. Dirt and mud stains won’t damage the coating very easily, but they can cause it to fade over time. Even if the average pool deck sealer can last for several years, it’s a good idea to apply a new layer as soon as you see lingering stains.
    • Loss of color — Color fading on the top of the pool deck is a sign that it needs to be resealed. If you have water-based stains or dyes that give the surface its color, you will need to apply a layer of top coating to seal them in. Stains and dyes will fade if they’re exposed to too much sunlight, and color fading is a sign that the topcoat is starting to dissolve away from the surface.
    • A slippery surface — If the surface of your pool deck feels slimy or limey when your toes touch the surface, it’s a clear sign that it needs a new coating. This is what gives the deck surface its water resistance, and it can fade or thin out over time. This will allow the top layer to absorb water, so you want to apply a new layer of coating on the deck as soon as you notice this problem.
    apartment pool concrete

    When Your Pool Deck is in Need of Major Repair

    While some issues can be fixed with minor pool deck repair, other problems are more serious and will require the help of a professional. The sooner you find them, the better. Here are some of the signs that your pool deck is need of major repair:

    • Discoloration — This type of discoloration is worse than seeing mud or soil stains that are smudging up the surface. It shows up through the presence of a a translucent, dark stain that appears to penetrate deep into the concrete layer. It’s caused by an unseen crack located somewhere underneath the concrete, which might have happened because the coating is gone completely.
    • A moldy surface — Mold can grow on your pool deck whether you live in a humid area or not. This is often caused by water that splashes outside the pool basin, and the deck surrounding it usually doesn’t have enough time to dry. If the mold doesn’t seem to go away after you have cleaned and polished the surface, it’s a sign that you have a more serious problem.
    • An uneven pool deck — If you step onto a spot on your pool deck where the concrete seemed to move, it’s a sign of an uneven surface. It’s caused by a major crack that’s causing the concrete to crumble. If you see this problem, you need to contact a professional to get it repaired.

    Water can leak into the ground, which can cause the soil under the slab to come loose or soften. This can eventually cause the concrete to crack. One of the ways that this can be repaired is through slab jacking, where the sinking slab is lifted back up so it’s level with the rest of the pool deck. You also need to be aware that not all types of pool deck damage are caused by human activity. Sometimes, the moving ground is caused by natural occurrences within the soil.

    If you have a pool deck in Los Angeles that needs to be repaired, be sure to get in touch with the Fiber Coat Deck Company. We have a team of experienced professionals who would be happy to speak with you about your specific needs.

  4. 7 Ways That Deck Waterproofing Can Protect Your Property

    Waterproofing is an important part of deck maintenance. If you put a little extra effort early on, you can save both time and money over the long term. Deck waterproofing can keep it from warping or forming dry rot, which will save you from making costly repairs later on. Water damage can be expensive to repair. In fact, most property owners will spend thousands of dollars to fix water damage. If you don’t take some steps before the next storm hits, you may find yourself struggling to pay for the cost of fixing a major problem.

    Here are some of the reasons that deck waterproofing can protect your property.

    water proof fiber coat

    #1: It Can Extend the Life of Joists and Beams

    Moisture can get trapped between joists and beams inside the deck, which can lead to structural problems. This type of issue can lead to decay and rot, because prolonged exposure to water and leaves that get stuck inside the decking can make the problem worse. If your deck’s structural integrity has been compromised, the risk of injury or even death will increase. You can keep your deck structure from getting water damage by hiring a professional to flash the joints and beams. Sealing the deck screws will create a barrier between materials, which will protect it from water damage.

    #2: It Can Improve Durability

    Waterproofing your deck will improve its durability, which can increase its lifespan and reduce the need for more frequent maintenance. If your deck is more durable, it will be safer for everyone who uses it. Deck waterproofing is a smart way to make your deck last longer. Not only will it make your property safer, but it will also save you from making expensive repairs later on.

    #3: It Can Provide Protection from Weather

    Once a storm comes in, your deck is more likely to get damaged. Wood boards that are splintered, cracked, warped, soft, and spongy can be a structural risk. Without waterproofing, your deck is more likely to experience wood rot. If you think you can make it through the sunny weather without investing in deck waterproofing, you should know that there are risks involved in waiting. The longer you put it off, the greater your chances are of getting mold and mildew. Not to mention, all the UV rays that can damage your property as well.

    #4: It Can Improve Your Property’s Aesthetic

    Building your deck to make it waterproof is more critical than any other part of your property, especially if you want to improve its aesthetic. A rotting and damaged deck can make your property look cheap and unsafe. It doesn’t look pleasing to the eye, and it shows a clear risk of excessive use. You didn’t build a deck on your property so you can let it go to waste, and you don’t have to. Deck waterproofing is a great way to make your property safer and more aesthetically pleasing, which can save you money in the long run.

    #5: It Can Reduce the Need for Repair and Maintenance

    Once a professional comes out to waterproof your deck, you will only need to perform a quick sweep and some cleaning a few times a year. Otherwise, you may be forced to maintain your deck before and after every storm. The coating used in deck waterproofing will make it look nice without a lot of effort on your part. So instead of performing annual maintenance, you can shift your focus on other areas of your property.

    #6: It Can Limit the Number of Leaks

    Waterproofing will limit the number of leaks that will show up on your deck. A professional will know how to install the deck in a way that will minimize its exposure to water, which will prevent leaks that can cause mold and rot to form between materials. Deck waterproofing will do more than just prevent leaks. It will also protect your property from water damage.

    #7: It Can Reduce the Chance for Slips and Falls

    Your deck can get slippery when it’s wet, which will increase the risk of slips and falls. Injuries caused by deck-related structural issues are more common than you think. The U.S. Product Safety Commission (CPSC) showed that there were approximately 4,600 ER visits related to decks collapsing from 2001 to 2016. You can reduce the risk of injury and death from these issues by waterproofing your deck. If you don’t act quickly enough and someone gets hurt, you could be held liable. So, save yourself the stress of a lawsuit and hospital bills by investing in deck waterproofing.

    If you’re looking for one of the best places for deck waterproofing in Los Angeles, be sure to reach out to the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

  5. 4 Advantages of Epoxy Floor Coating for Commercial Settings

    A good flooring system is the foundation for any commercial business. Whether it’s an office, a factory, or a warehouse, the floor will experience a great deal of wear and tear. Epoxy floor coating is a great choice for commercial settings, especially industrial spaces or areas that experience a great deal of traffic. Epoxy flooring can turn even the most beaten-up floor into something that will enhance the look of your business without costing a great deal of money. It’s a fast upgrade for standard concrete floors, and it’s a relatively simple fix for damaged or old floors (especially when you compare it to the cost of pouring a new slab or resurfacing a substrate).

    Here are some of the advantages of epoxy floor coating for commercial spaces.

    epoxy safety garage

    #1: It Can Save Your Business Money

    The goal of any business owner is to run a successful company. While the definition of success can be different for each individual, it all comes down to the bottom line because a company needs to earn a profit if it wants to succeed. That’s why business owners must look at their options carefully before they make a financial decision. This includes choosing the best and most cost-effective flooring option for their building.

    The flooring system must not only be effective in your space but must also last a long time. That’s why using a high-quality, durable material is important. It must be able to withstand the pressure of your business, which is why many business owners see the benefits of epoxy floor coating. Compared to other flooring solutions, the cost of epoxy is hard to match. And the reason for its affordability is because it’s installed on top of your existing floor. Whether your commercial space uses wood or concrete, the cost of installing epoxy is much lower than all the others.

    #2: It Offers the Look of Quality

    Commercial and industrial spaces need to have sustainable flooring, but it also needs to enhance the building’s overall aesthetics. Your customers need to see what a thriving business looks like, and epoxy flooring will accomplish that. It can transform dull, drab concrete into a floor that looks intricate and stunning. Compared to your typical warehouse floor, an epoxy floor coating will look bright and inviting. Its professional appearance will draw people in and will showcase your company’s excellence.

    #3: It Comes in a Variety of Colors and Styles

    Applying epoxy to your concrete floor can give your commercial space a fresh new look, and that’s before any colors or fillers are added to change how it looks. Epoxy is often used by companies for branding as well as safety, which is made possible by the variety of colors and styles that can add a decorative element to a concrete floor.

    The smooth, flawless shine of epoxy floor coating will make your workspace look more elegant, and work areas can be customized as well. Texture will often get added to give the floor an extra later of safety, but it can also add an extra design element. Epoxy flooring is a cost-effective way to update dull concrete and add more atmosphere to your workspace.

    #4: It Offers Excellent Durability

    Epoxy floor coating is strong, so durability is one of its benefits. In fact, it lasts much longer than almost every other commercial flooring solution on the market. The only thing that last longer than epoxy is the concrete itself, which still needs to be sealed and maintained to keep it sustainable. Because epoxy flooring requires a concrete substrate to be built below it, it has an incredible amount of strength. It can handle the pressures of heavy machinery, heavy traffic, drops, spills, and even leaks.

    If it has been properly installed, epoxy floor coating will outlast many other types of concrete flooring. Making sure you have a correct installation will make it last longer and will minimize your chance for peels, flakes, and cracks. If it has been properly installed, epoxy flooring can last up to several decades. Both that and its durability make epoxy floor coating a popular choice for commercial and industrial businesses.

    If you own a commercial or industrial building and are looking for one of the best places to install and maintain epoxy flooring in Los Angeles, be sure to reach out to the Fiber Coat Deck Company. We have a team of people who would be happy to speak with you about your specific needs!

  6. 5 Reasons to Have Your Decking Inspected

    Decks can get beaten up on a regular basis. They can be exposed to sunlight, rain, and other exterior elements throughout the year, which can lead to accident-causing damage. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), an average of 33,000 people a year get injured because decks, porches, railings, or staircases experience structural failure or total collapse (with 6,000 of them suffering from traumatic injuries). That’s why you shouldn’t ignore the warning signs and should take care of any problems before they become dangerous.

    Here are some of the reasons to have your decking inspected.

    hole in plywood decking

    #1: You See Rusted Fasteners and Connectors

    You should look under your deck to see if the fasteners and connectors are still in good shape, because they play an important role in keeping everything together. All the nails, screws, and hangers are made of galvanized steel, but they still need to be inspected.

    #2: There’s Damage Caused by Insects

    Any decks that have been made since the 1980’s are made with lumber that has been treated with insect-resistant chemicals. But before then, they were often built with rot-resistant redwood. Out of the 50 million decks in North America, 20-25 million of them are at least 30 years old. House construction materials aren’t usually treated with insect-resistant chemicals, so carpenter ants or termites can get into areas where a new deck made with treated wood is attached to the property. Once that happens, even the most structurally sound deck can pull away from the main structure and cause an accident.

    You can look for this problem by paying attention when you first step onto the deck. It should be in the same position as it was when it was first built. If it has any give or you can see shifting from how it was originally connected, you should contact a professional to have it inspected as soon as possible.

    #3: It Has Cracks

    Normal wear and tear can cause wood to split, but some cracks can be an indication of a larger problem. If they’re small, there’s no need to worry. But you should still keep an eye on them. If you see any of them getting bigger or are around fasteners, it’s a sign of weakness. Water can get into smaller cracks, which can cause them to expand. I You also want to pay attention to cracks located in the middle of a deck-joist span.

    Decks are usually built on joists that are spaced 16 or 24 inches apart, depending on local regulations. The midpoint between each joist can be a spot for potential weakness, so any cracks located in these areas can be dangerous. Any deck board with a crack in that area needs to be replaced, so no one will step on that spot and go crashing through the entire deck.

    Because decks have to endure a great deal of exposure to the elements, you should stain it at least every few years to keep cracks and other problems from occurring. You don’t want to power wash a wooden deck, because it will rip through the fibers. Even if you stain it afterwards, the surface of the wood has already been weakened. Some light brushing at low pressure is good enough for cleaning a deck, but a lot of people will crank up the pressure so they can get faster results.

    #4: The Wood is Rotted

    A little bit of rotting wood may not seem like that big of a deal, but it’s something that requires immediate attention. Rotted wood is like looking at bald tires. If one part looks fine but another area looks bad, there’s still a problem. That’s why staining it every few years is so important.

    old decking

    #5: The Deck Railing is Loose

    The deck railing is more than just a place where people can lean on. It also gives the deck a border (like lines on a highway), which makes it an important safety feature. The average person should be able to lean against a railing and feel a little bit of give. But if it sways when you push on it, you should have it inspected as soon as possible.

    Like any other stairway, deck stairs need railings. But while deck railings encourage people to lean on them, deck-stair railings are meant for grasping. It has to be strong enough for people to grab onto it for support, so it must be able to hold them up. Deck-stair railings don’t have to withstand as much lateral force, but any swaying or wobbling is a cause for concern.

    If you have a commercial deck in Los Angeles that you want inspected, be sure to reach out to the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

  7. The Pros and Cons of Epoxy Floor Coating

    Epoxy floor coating is one of the most popular flooring solutions for commercial and industrial facilities, but it has also grown in demand for residential properties. There’s no such thing as a perfect flooring solution, but the advantages of epoxy resin outweigh the drawbacks in a lot of applications. You can use epoxy floor coating in a variety of settings, which is why it has become such a popular option. But like many other flooring solutions, it’s important to understand its pros and cons.

    commercial epoxy coating

    Advantages to Epoxy Flooring

    Here are some of the advantages of epoxy floor coating:

    • Excellent Durability — Epoxy flooring can last for a long time. But as you’re researching its average lifespan, you will find a lot of different quotes. The durability of epoxy floor coating will depend on where it has been applied and whether it was properly installed, but it’s resistant to all kinds of wear and tear (including peels, cracks, and corrosion). It can even withstand some chemical damage once it has been cured.
    • Affordability — Compared to other solutions, epoxy flooring will have a lower overall cost.  Part of this is because it can be laid over existing concrete. The upfront cost for epoxy will be higher than concrete polishing. But if you need to replace it, the cost will be lower.
    • Customizable Options — Epoxy flooring gives you the option to create a variety of designs and aesthetic solutions. You have an endless choice of color. The material also has the ability to make intricate patterns and geometric shapes. You can even give it a metallic look.
    • Damage Resistance — Unlike many other flooring solutions used on residential and commercial spaces, epoxy coating won’t be susceptible to the kind of damage that’s often a result of normal wear and tear. It won’t crack, peel, or erode like laminate, wood, or other flooring systems. Cured epoxy is resistant to moisture and can withstand a great deal of weight.
    • Weather Resistance — Epoxy can hold up against temperatures from below 0 degrees to above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s also resistant to fire damage, which makes it a great choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.
    • Stain Resistance — Because epoxy creates a tight seal that won’t absorb fluids, most things will just sit on the surface. There won’t be any stains where gasoline, oil, or chemicals have spilled.
    • Easy Maintenance — Once it has been applied to the concrete, epoxy doesn’t require a great deal of maintenance. Once it dries, it creates a smooth and seamless finish that’s resistant to the penetration of dirt, oil, and other spills that can damage a floor’s surface. This makes epoxy flooring easy to clean, which you can do with regular sweeping and mopping.

    Feel free to speak to a professional for more information about the advantages of epoxy flooring.

    Disadvantages of Epoxy Flooring

    While epoxy flooring has its advantages, it does have its drawbacks. Some of them can include the following:

    • Demanding Installation Process — The preparation process for installing epoxy floor coating can take a great deal of time. Not only do you have to prep the surface, but you also have to remove any underlying substances (such as oil or grease). The installation process must also follow the required rules, and one of them may involve checking the humidity levels. If the air has too much moisture, the end result will look damaged (which will cause the floor to age more quickly).
    • Slippery Material — Because it has a non-porous and seamless structure, epoxy flooring can have a slippery surface. This is especially true if it gets wet or oily. You may, however, be able to make it less slippery or not slippery at all for an additional cost.
    • Long Curing Time — Once you have installed epoxy flooring, you will have to wait a few days for it to completely cure. Some installations may require up to a week for complete drying and curing, which can be an inconvenience for some property owners.
    • Temporary Flooring Solution — While epoxy is durable and resistant, you will have to replace it eventually. Unlike other flooring options, normal wear and tear can take its toll on epoxy floors. If you want to keep it looking good, you will have to put down a new coat of epoxy (especially if heavy items get dropped onto the floor’s surface).
    • Smell — Wet epoxy has strong fumes, especially if you’re using a darker shade (which has more hardeners).
    • Moisture — Because it doesn’t breathe after it cures, any moisture that’s trapped below the surface of an epoxy floor coating can become problematic once it evaporates. It can even lead to the eventual need for repair or refinishing as bubbling or buckling in the flooring material can occur.

    If you’re looking for one of the best places for epoxy flooring in Los Angeles, be sure to get in touch with the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

  8. The Steps for Installing Epoxy on Your Garage Floor

    Epoxy is a great way to update and protect your concrete floors. It can come in a variety of styles and colors, which can be applied in multiple layers to create a seamless finish. Epoxy will adhere to concrete, which makes the surface more resistant to moisture, grease, scuffing, and chemicals. Its durability makes it perfect for garages, where dropped tools and other heavy objects can damage the surface.

    epoxy garage floor

    What is Epoxy Flooring?

    Epoxy flooring is made of resin-based paints that are mixed with two components before it’s applied. Epoxy paint comes in three forms, which include the following:

    • High Solids — This type of epoxy coating can be either a one- or two-component paint with more solid elements (such as binders, pigments, and additives) than you would get with a standard coat, but it still has good coating and application properties (even though it has a lower percentage of volatile organic compounds).
    • Water-Based — This type of epoxy flooring can produce a surface covering or film that’s resistant to water and chemicals (including acids, solvents, and gasoline). It will also give you the greatest amount of impact, abrasion, and scuff resistance than any other epoxy.
    • Solvent-Based — This type of epoxy coating works on the same principle as water-based products, except it has some additional substances that need to evaporate. Adding solvents to epoxy flooring has a more modest effect on its strength, but it does make the concrete more resistant to petroleum contamination.

    Be sure to speak to a professional about the different types of epoxy flooring for your garage.

    Steps for Applying Epoxy Coating to a Concrete Floor

    Here are the steps involved for applying epoxy flooring to a concrete surface:

    • Mix and apply the concrete etch — Concrete etching is the process of roughening the surface with an acid and water solution. It creates pores in the concrete, which will ensure a firm bond between the new coating and its surface. Before you start this process, you want to make sure you have proper eye protection and are wearing chemical-resistant gloves. You also want to make sure that all dirt, grease, and grime have been removed with a detergent solution.
    • Prepare the room for painting — You want to use a cement-based patching compound to seal all the holes and cracks. Make sure the repair is smooth, and give the area plenty of time to dry. You want to scrape off and remove any peeling paint, and any mildew should be removed with a product that can be safely used on a painted surface. However, you should not apply it to a surface that has been previously finished with a two-component epoxy paint or coating.
    • Mix and apply the epoxy coating — Before you apply the coating, you want to make sure the surrounding temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or above. And you should wait until there’s a dry period with no rain in the forecast. You also don’t want to thin the product or apply it to a hot surface area. Make sure the area has enough ventilation so it can dry normally, and you should wait for at least four hours before you apply the second coat (though the drying time may be longer when it’s cooler and more humid.
    • Apply the second coat of epoxy flooring — After you have allowed the first coat to dry, you want to apply the second coat of epoxy flooring in a direction that’s perpendicular to the first. This will make sure you create a more uniform finish, but you should never apply more than two coats of epoxy. If you need to use more than one container, you should mix the cans together to make sure you get a consistent color.

    After the second coat is dry, you should think about painting the baseboards in you garage with a similar epoxy coating because it will give you the greatest amount of protection.

    How to Maintain Your Epoxy Flooring

    You can maintain and protect your epoxy flooring by doing the following:

    • Vacuuming or sweeping up debris.
    • Immediately wiping away spills with a cloth.
    • Deep-cleaning any soiled floors by mopping them with a mixture of 1/2-cup of ammonia to every gallon of water.
    • Lifting rust stains by gently scrubbing them with a kitchen scrubbing pad and some hot water.

    You should never use any abrasive cleaners, acids, or chemicals on epoxy flooring. The easiest way to clean these surfaces is to hose them down and dry them with a squeegee attached to a pole.

    If you’re looking for one of the best places for epoxy flooring in Los Angeles, be sure to get in touch with the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

  9. Why Ignoring Rotten Wood at Your Apartment Complex Can be Costly

    Since the passing of Senate Bill 721 and Senate Bill 326 in the State of California, there have been a lot of questions about what these new inspection requirements mean for owners of rental properties and condo homeowners associations. The laws give rise to a new era within the construction and real estate industries, because it raises the standards for Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE’s). This refers to any structural element of a building (including supports, associated waterproofing systems, and railings) that have the following properties:

    • It extends beyond the building’s exterior walls.
    • It’s designed for human use.
    • It has a walking surface that’s more than six feet above ground level.
    • It has load-bearing components that are made with wood or wood-based products.

    All of these can include the following structures:

    • Balconies.
    • Decks.
    • Porches.
    • Stairways.
    • Walkways.
    • Entryways.

    The definition of Exterior Elevated Elements was based on what was defined in the E3 Inspection Program that was passed in the City of Berkeley’s Urgency Ordinance in 2015, but the State of California refined it in SB 721 (which refers to any structural supports that are made out of wood or wood-based products).

    rotten decking repair

    The Effects of Ignoring Rotted Wood

    After so many years, properties can experience a kind of dampness that can affect their wooden supports (called “dry rot”). If it’s left unaddressed, it can cause these areas to weaken (which will disturb the building’s foundation). Rotted wood is often found in areas that are usually ignored and don’t get discovered until the damage is impossible to ignore.

    A lot of people dismiss rotted wood as just signs of age, but not taking care of it can lead to permanent structural damage. The wood and other materials in the property will deteriorate and eventually collapse. Buildings with rotted wood that doesn’t get taken care of can fall apart.

    Some of the early signs of rotted wood can include:

    • Cracking.
    • Cotton-like fungus.
    • Darkening.
    • Shrinking.

    The late signs of wood decay can include:

    • Continuous fungal growth.
    • Peeled wood pieces.
    • A musty smell.

    Dry rot can cause wood to crack along its grain, which gives it a soft and spongy texture. Wet rot, on the other hand, doesn’t spread to every part of the wood. The decay only stays in a single damp area. It creates a pungent stench and causes discoloration on the wood around it. While there is a difference between the two, both dry and wet rot can cause irreparable damage to your property.

    What Needs to Be Looked at During an EEE Inspection

    California codes require EEE inspections to identify each type of Exterior Elevated Element. Once they’re identified, the minimum inspection must include:

    • Checking the condition of load-bearing components.
    • Checking the condition of associated waterproofing elements.
    • Evaluating the expected future performance and service life of each component.

    The associated waterproofing elements refer to the parts that have been installed during the construction and are designed to protect the structural supports from being exposed to water and other elements. On a balcony, this would typically include the following:

    • Flashing on the edges.
    • A membrane or coating on the deck surface
    • Sealants at corners and other places where water can get into.

    Both laws refer to elements that use wood or wood-based materials for structural support, so steel structures don’t need to be inspected. There may, however, be local jurisdictions that are stricter. A section of the Berkeley Housing Code requires both “elevated wood and metal decks” to be inspected. If you live in San Francisco, you must also get a signed affidavit from a licensed inspector who checked all “weather exposed areas” of apartment buildings or hotels.

    Penalties for Not Performing EEE Inspections

    Senate Bill 721 doesn’t have a list of any monetary penalties or enforcement procedures for owners who don’t perform EEE inspections before the deadline, so local jurisdictions in the State of California can make up their own civic penalty guidelines and procedures for multifamily properties that aren’t in compliance. SB 326 also doesn’t list any penalties, because the inspection report will be incorporated into the reserve study. It’s more likely to have penalties that are similar to the ones for not following the Davis-Stirling Act.

    Penalties for Not Completing the Necessary Repairs

    If the inspector puts in the report that there are EEE’s in need of repairs, the owner of that property is responsible for starting the process within 180 days. Otherwise, the inspector is required to notify the appropriate building code enforcement agencies and the owner (who is then put on a 30-day timeline to complete the repairs). If the local enforcement agency doesn’t grant an extension beyond the 30 days, the owner will then be subject to a civil penalty between $100 and $500 per day until the repairs have been completed.

  10. Why Should You Protect Your Concrete with a Waterproof Layer?

    By waterproofing concrete, masonry, and other cement-based materials, you’re prolonging the lifespan and durability of the entire structure. Whether it’s preserving a cinder block wall, a concrete floor, or poured concrete walls, keeping water out of concrete is a great way to improve its longevity. Some parts of the country even have building codes that require these structures to be waterproofed. A high water table or building area that’s more susceptible to flooding because of large amounts of rain can determine how strict these waterproofing codes will be. All substrates in high-rise buildings have to be waterproofed, because they’re load-bearing walls for extremely heavy structures where a material breakdown would be unacceptable.

    cracked concrete
    Don’t let your concrete get to this point!

    What Happens to Concrete When It’s Exposed to Water

    When water gets into concrete, it doesn’t just look bad. It also gets weaker. You might have seen surface damage on a sidewalk or old mortar. The concrete starts to erode, which exposes the matrix materials and the base concrete. In extreme cases, the water will destroy the concrete more quickly. But, it usually takes a few years for the degradation to become visible. If you notice any damage on the concrete’s surface, you can be sure that the underlying structure is damaged as well. That’s why concrete waterproofing is necessary for maintaining its strength and appearance.

    If you have a concrete garage, patio, or driveway, you should protect it with a good water sealer. By adding this protective layer, you can slow down its degradation while also minimizing the buildup of stains caused by mildew, mold, and leakage from automobile engines. A good sealer can also make the surface more durable by preventing freeze-thaw damage, corrosion, and spalling (which can happen when small pieces start to break away due to abrasion or natural aging).

    When You Should Waterproof Concrete

    When it comes to concrete waterproofing, there’s no “one size fits all” solution. It usually depends on the size, location, and function of the surface. Floors and other horizontal surfaces can benefit from waterproofing, because they’re often close to a property’s foundation and are more susceptible to flooding. It’s also a good idea to waterproof patios, porches, and other surfaces that experience a great deal of rain and groundwater exposure because it can prevent wear and prolong their lifespans.

    Waterproofing concrete can prevent a number of serious problems, especially if it’s used for flooring. When groundwater seeps through a concrete floor, it can cause them to crack or buckle. This can lead to flooding and other serious issues. You will eventually have to replace the entire floor while also paying to repair any issues that may cause it to happen again.

    What You Should Do Before Concrete Waterproofing

    Before you waterproof concrete, you want to make sure the surface is clean and dry. Use a scraper to remove any old paint as well as any wall and floor coverings. Sweep the entire surface to make sure no dirt is hiding in areas that can’t be seen. And if you need to, use a mixture of soap and warm water to scrub walls or floors. Make sure you rinse the surface after you scrub and allow it to dry completely. Patch up any holes with a hydraulic expanding concrete mix, which you should dry for at least 24 hours. You also want to tape off anything that extends onto the floor or walls (including stairs and electric boxes).

    Types of Concrete Sealers

    There are two main types of concrete sealers, which include the following:

    • Penetrating Sealers — Made of different substances (such as silicates, siloxanes, silanes, and siliconates), these types of sealers are designed to permeate concrete. This creates a strong chemical barrier, which is why they’re often referred to as “impregnating concrete sealers.” These sealers are only available from professionals, and they can be more expensive. They will last much longer and won’t change the concrete’s appearance.
    • Film-Forming Sealers — These types of sealers are designed to protect the concrete with a layer of epoxy, acrylic, or urethane. It can give the surface a wet look or glossy finish, but it wears more quickly. So, you will have to apply it more frequently.

    When it comes to concrete waterproofing, you can choose from a number of different coatings, finishes, sealers, and membranes. If you’re looking for one of the best places for concrete waterproofing in Los Angeles to help you to determine the best solution for your specific needs, be sure to get in touch with the Fiber Coat Deck Company.

Fiber-Coat Deck Co
1635 W Lambert Rd Unit B
La Habra, CA 90631
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