If your deck is showing signs of damage or deterioration, you might be asking yourself if it needs to be repaired or replaced. The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors (such as the extent of the damage, the age of your deck, and whether its structural integrity has been seriously compromised).
Wooden deck boards will experience wear and tear from the elements, so they will need to be replaced at some point. Because they’re organic products, wooden decks are prone to damage caused by the weather and exposure to moisture. This cumulative damage will start to take its toll as time moves forward.

Here are some common signs that your wood deck needs to be repaired.
#1: Rotted Wood
If you see a soft spot on your deck, it’s a sign that the wood underneath it has rotted. Use a screwdriver to poke through the soft spots, so you can get an idea of what’s going on.
#2: Loose Floorboards
It’s common for floorboards to crack because of the weather. It doesn’t always mean that something is wrong. But if you start to see loose floorboards when you walk on your deck, it may be time to replace them. The wood around the screws may have rotated, which caused them to become loose. So if you see boards that are bowed and not flat, you should think about replacing them because it can cause someone to trip and fall.
#3: Wobbly Railings
Railing can prevent you and your guests from accidentally falling off the edge of the deck. They can also help people to climb stairs more safely. So if your railings are wobbly, be sure to fix them as soon as possible because it can keep people from becoming seriously injured.
#4: Deteriorated Posts
Deck posts are usually attached to your concrete footings. They can be helpful in keeping your railings secure, and they’re usually very durable. The floorboards around them may need to be replaced, because they have become rotten. But if you have several posts that have become damaged, it’s another repair that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.
#5: Insect Damage
Insects can cause serious damage to your wooden deck, especially if they’re left undetected. Here are some types of bugs that you should keep an eye out for:
- Termites โ These insects like to eat wood and any other products that contain cellulose (which includes outdoor carpeting). Termites cause more than $5 billion worth of property damage every single year, which is why you should take this type of infestation seriously.
- Carpenter Bees โ These insects can cause structural damage by drilling into wood and building tunnels.
- Carpenter Ants โ These are the big black ants that you may see roaming around your deck, but you may not realize how destructive they can be. Their goal is to destroy as much wood as they can so they can build nests.
Here are some things that may be a sign of an insect infestation:
- You can see them on your deck.
- You see wood shavings on the ground.
- You have spongy deck boards.
- You hear hollow wood sounds.
- You see signs of sunken wood.
- The wood is showing signs of rot.
If you notice any of these signs, you should contact a pest control expert to get it taken care of as soon as possible.
#6: Rusted Fixtures and Fittings
Look under your deck to make sure the fixtures and fittings are still in good shape. They can weaken from age and exposure to the elements, especially if your deck is several decades old. If that’s the case, there’s a good chance your deck’s structural stability has been affected (which can be a hazard for you and your family). You should replace any broken or rusted fittings as soon as you find them.
#7: Mold and Mildew
Because of the moisture to which it’s exposed, you should expect to see some mold on your deck. A little bit of greenish mold is mostly an eyesore. But if you see mushroom-like mold or signs of serious fungal growth, you may be dealing with a more serious problem. Clear them off as soon as you see them, and treat the wood with a stain that includes a fungicide. Doing this will prevent more problems later on.
If you’re looking for one of the best places for deck repair in Los Angeles, be sure to get in touch with the Fiber Coat Deck Company.