Once it cures, epoxy flooring can turn into a beautiful and shiny finish that can protect surfaces. But, improper treatment can have a detrimental effect on the entire system. Epoxy is a tricky material to work with, especially if you don’t have any professional experience in applying it. It uses a special resin that’s combined with an activator. Because it’s a two-part product, it needs a professional installation to get the required ratio. If someone tries to install epoxy without the proper experience, your floors could end up having some imperfections. Even if it was installed by qualified technicians, things can go wrong.

Here are some of the most common issues that can be experienced with epoxy flooring.
#1: Peeling
This occurs when parts of the epoxy are coming up or tearing away. Peeling creates an uneven surface and an unprofessional appearance. It can also cause the concrete underneath to get damaged. Epoxy flooring can peel for a number of reasons, and some of them can be caused by improper ventilation. This can be especially true if the temperature is too hot or too cold, but it can also be the result of high humidity.
The resin and hardener need to be installed when the temperature and humidity levels are just right. Temperature fluctuations can also cause condensation, which can create a problem with moisture. It can also add to one that already exists. But even if the weather doesn’t fluctuate, either extreme can cause your epoxy flooring to peel. Extreme temperatures can also affect how it cures. If your epoxy flooring doesn’t harden correctly, it won’t lay right on the concrete. Peeling and an uneven resin will be the result.
#2: Blistering
Pinholes, cratering, and bubbles are common problems with epoxy flooring that can give it a blistering look. When this occurs, similar causes of epoxy peeling may be to blame. If it’s too cold or if direct sunlight hits the surface while the resin is curing, bubbles can form. Other causes of epoxy blistering include:
- Improper Mixing — If the resin and hardener were mixed too quickly, air bubbles would form in the mix. Even after the mixture has been applied, these bubbles will stay inside the epoxy.
- Overly Porous Surface — Too many pores in concrete flooring will allow air to rise under the epoxy as it cures. This rising air will get trapped under the surface above it and will create bubbles. The air pockets can also rise as the epoxy hardens, which can cause pinholes or craters to form if they’re large enough.
- Improper Proportions — The resin and hardener must be mixed in the right proportions, and it will vary with each product. If there isn’t enough hardener, your floors won’t cure properly (which can cause blisters and other problems). If there’s too much hardener, the mixture will be too viscous to apply an even coat.
- Rushed Application — If the installer rushes through the application process, air bubbles can form. While professionals do their work with some level of speed (which is needed to get ahead of curing time), they do it with a great deal of care. Even if they’re between coats, it’s possible to rush the job.
An easy fix to this problem is to sand away an epoxy layer, which will create the right surface for a fresh coat of epoxy flooring.
#3: Discoloring
If your epoxy flooring looks yellow or uneven, it’s a sign of discoloration. This can happen if the person who installed it made any of the following mistakes:
- Exceeded the Pot Life — This refers to how long it takes for the resin and hardener to double in viscosity. As the term implies, the hardener works to solidify the resin. If the installer waits too long to apply the epoxy (which is referred to as “exceeding the pot life”), the resin may not apply correctly. It could result in discoloration or yellowing.
- Used the Wrong Hardener — If the wrong type or amount of hardener was used during the application process, it will affect the color and consistency of the final product. So if your epoxy flooring looks yellow or discolored, it could be the cause of the problem.
- Allowed Chemical Exposure — Carbon monoxide and other chemicals can react with a new coat of epoxy, which can result in discoloration. Depending on the type of chemical it was exposed to, your epoxy flooring could become yellowed or change into other colors.
- Allowed UV Exposure — Sunlight and UV radiation will cause the resin to darken, even if it has already been set. Depending on how often it’s exposed to sunlight, you may notice a pattern or see different shades of discoloration. If it was exposed to sunlight during the application process, you may also see air bubbles along with discoloration.
If you’re looking for one of the best epoxy flooring contractors in Los Angeles, be sure to reach out to the Fiber Coat Deck Company.